Monday, February 2, 2009

Ice Storm- Jan 2009

Kayla had to hold our hand when walking in the backyard on the frozen grass and snow.

See how long the icicles were.

See how thick the ice was!!

It snowed Tuesday night too, so there was ice then a layer of snow. The backyard was a frozen tundra.

We wanted eggs and coffee that morning, so Chad brought out the propane camping stove to have warm food. It was fun to camp out in our own home, but we were glad it was for one morning.

Kayla and Dada loved camping out in the living room.

The room was really dark here at 6:00 AM Wednesday morning.

Our electricity went off about 6:00 PM Tuesday evening so we made the best of it. Chad got the gas fireplace going and it heated up the house nicely. We brought in a matress and camped out in front of the fireplace that night. I took my day off the next day so we spent the whole day together with the power off. We were lucky b/c our power came back on just the next day around 4:00 PM. It was fun, but we were glad to get heat and cooking means back. Kayla didn't know the difference. She loved all of it.

Tree resting on our roof, but it didn't puncture it once the ice melted it just lifted up.

Horrible looking broken trees.

Tuesday afternoon outside our house. See all the limbs on the ground.

The big ice storm came in Monday, Jan 26th. The roads were really slippery that day going home from work and it only got worse the next day. Tuesday when driving home from work I couldn't belive all the trees had ice on them and weighing them all down to the point of breaking. There were broken limbs everywhere.

Room redecoration

Kayla didn't shave this morning. HeHe. She loves to get messy and play with her food nowdays.

She likes to play in her room now. I'm getting a toy bin system so that all her toys can go in there.

It was time for a redecoration of Kayla's room to make it more toddler-ish and not so baby-ish. We took out the changing table and the shelves and the rocking chair and brought in her rocking chair and a TV/DVD to watch her Elmo videos. We also brought in her new kitchen to play with.

Park one week and snow the next.

It snowed just enough to be pretty. I really want her to be able to play in the snow this year. I hope it will snow about 3 inches one more time this winter.

The next week it snowed on the Thursday that I was off. I had her go to daycare this day b/c she was all off her schedule b/c of being sick and the house doesn't function right when she's off her schedule.

Kayla was feeling better the next day after the doctor and it was warmer outside, so we went to the park. She loves climbing, the slide and the turning seats. She tries to climb the big bars to the top level, but she doesn't know she's not that big. She loves to go "Outside!!!" as she screams when looking out the door at home.

Kayla sick

Daddy came home and cheered Kayla up with his guitar while Mama got to go to Hobby Lobby for some much needed respite time.
Runny nose and feeling lousy!!

The next evening we had dinner guests over and we discovered a high fever after they left. She was also very lethargic and coughing more. We decided that I would take her to the Dr the next day on my day off and we found out that she had RSV. She felt and looked lousy. I kept taking her temp all day to the point that Kayla got obsessed with the ear thermometer too and loved to play with it. These are pictures of her after a nap and with a 103 fever. I stripped her down and kept pumping in the Tylenol and Pedialite and it finally came down. The Dr put her on breathing treatments to be done every 4 hours. She finally got used to them after a couple of days.
We had to keep her out of the daycare for about a week and Chad's dad even came up to stay with her for a day.

The next night (Tues, Jan 6th) Chad was at a new class and Kayla and I had the house to ourselves. I was hoping to have a fun night playing with her, but she wanted to watch Elmo and the next thing I knew she was sleeping in her chair like this. I was really cute, but I didn't know what to do b/c it was 6:30 in the evening. Way too early for bedtime, but if I woke her up then she would be up for a long time afterwards. I just knew that she would wake up about 10:00 after I just layed her down in bed, but she slept all night. I thought it was the cough medicine, but little did I know how sick she really was.

This picture was taken in the Dr.'s office during her 18 month check up. She had a little cough then, so he prescribed some cough medicine that we gave religiously the next couple of days.