Sunday, December 30, 2007


This is Kayla's first "santa" gift. It is a learing puppy that sings songs and interacts with her when she pushes its tummy, nose, hands and feet. She likes it ok. She'll have to grow into it more, just like most of her Chirstmas toys.
Our cute little Christmas baby under the tree.

She loved to try to eat the wrapping paper and tear into packages.
Siblings with the babies.
The whole family on my mom's side. We got together Christmas during the day for lunch and had a big feast at my sister's house and opened gifts.

Fun Christmas picutres of Kayla. She loved to take pictures that night with the family and crashed that night from playing so much.

Tristin and Kayla playing as they know how. Tristin seems to be the "bully" of the two and will literally take Kayla's pacifier out of her mouth and put it in her own. Its fun to watch them play with each other. I wish they could do it more often.
They were opening a gift together and it was the cutest thing. They really got into it.

Kayla loved her Johnny Jump up she got on Christmas morning from Nan and Papaw. Its great b/c you can put it in any doorway and its portable.

Christmas 2007

Christmas card picture. She wouldn't smile in any of them that we took. But, this was the best one.
She loves her Christmas sleeper outfit.
Kayla was so good when she saw Santa at the Promenade Wed, Dec. 19th. The Santa expected her to cry, but she was good the whole time and even gave a smile for our picture. I guess the screaming doesn't come till a couple of years.

Mommy and Kayla at our family Christmas party where we dress up and take lots of pictures. We loved dressing up and taking pictures of Kayla this year. ( she loved it too)

Lots of presents under the tree at Chad's parent's house. We stayed a whole week with them from Friday to Friday after Christmas. It was great for them to spend so much time with her and to have family around to take her and babysit when we wanted to go out. (We don't get to do that very much). It was great to spend so much time with Kayla and family for a whole week. Chad's parents even came back home with us b/c we couldn't fit all the presents and stuff in our vehicle. She got alot of interactive toys, 6-9 month clothes and teething toys to chew on. She was really just interested in putting everything in her mouth and acted disapointed at a present when she couldn't put it in her mouth and chew on it. It was fun to get things for her though and spend time with family.


You can see her bottom two teeth now when she smiles really big and thats pretty often nowdays. Now, if I can get her to open her mouth that wide when she eats.
I found this slinky in my stocking left over from last year. Its one of her favorite toys nowdays. Its funny that we offer all these light up and interactive toys and she is amused for 30 miuntes by a slinky. Whatever works huh :)

These days there is a war when trying to eat baby food. I think that the spoon hurts her tooth when eating the food and she REFUSES to open her mouth. Any advice on this will be greatly apprectiated, but for now there is a great war when trying to feed her this past week. I haven't given in and stopped feeding her baby food yet, but I'm tempted for now. I don't think thats the answer though. I know that she likes the food, but maybe associates the spoon with pain now days. I've even tried oragel before we feed and feeding her formula with the spoon so that she'll eat off the spoon, b/c she's all about her bottle nowdays after crying during our 20 minute feeding session. Its very frustrating. HELP!!
Not feeling so happy. This was when we were coming back home from Monroe. Aunt Cathy spiked up her hair when she babysat the night before.

We have the teething blues around our house lately. Kayla cut her first tooth on the bottom right and the bottom left one is right behind it this past week over the Christmas break. It made for some fussy times and still really frustrating feeding sessions. I feel really sorry for her b/c I know it has to be painful. We're trying to soothe it with some baby oragel PRN and the teething tablets. I heard about these from my sister this week and she says that everyone swears by them. The tablets work pretty good to soothe the fussiness. She really wants to chew on everything and loves her pacifier!!

6 months old!!

It snowed on Kayla's 6 month birthday!! I had to work that day(Saturday), but when I got home we got to go outside and take picutres in the snow. She didn't know what to think. I guess she just thought it was cold.

She smiles really easily now to just about anyone and everyone. She does act like she's scared sometimes, which is a new thing and loves her pacifier. I don't want to give her the pacifier everytime she fusses, but sometimes it does the job and is the only thing that will soothe her. Oh well, my mom said that I almost went to Kindergarden with my pacifier. I guess she'll grow out of it one day.
She is very interactive nowdays and sits up really well. She can't get to sitting by herself, but sits up for a long time and can play with toys. She's also holding her bottle really well when we direct her to do so. I'm trying to introduce a sippy cup with some juice since she's holding her bottle. I'm also working on getting her to crawl. Its a slow going thing right now since everytime we put her on the floor we put her in sitting instead of on her tummy so that she can try crawling. I'll try to start doing that more, but its hard when she gets frustrated everytime she tries and fusses alot. She's not one to try new things when she's not ready.
She's sleeping all through the night now days. About 10 hours to be exact. She'll get tired and fussy around 7:30 or 8:00 and she'll get a bath followed by a bottle and she's asleep soon after. We took the wedge out of her bed and that seemed to make all the difference. She rolls around all in the bed. We never know what position she'll be when she wakes up. We usually have to wake her up at about 6:00 in the mornings before work. She's been having a little drainage lately, so she sometimes wakes up b/c she's all stopped up and can't breathe. Poor little thing.

She talks alot lately!! Her favorite is baa,baa,baa. She'll mostly say it in the mornings and when getting her diaper changed we'll have deep conversations. She loves to talk back and forth to us and hear new sounds. I try to read to her in the evenings and she'll listen intently and sometimes it will put her to sleep.

Branson fun

Mommy and Kayla opening my birthday presents that morning in the hotel bed. I got to snuggle and play with her that morning.
In the seafood restaurant by the big fireplace.

We all went to Branson over the Dec. 8th weekend for my birthday and to get away for a while. I just wanted to spend some good time with Kayla and Chad and be away from the house.
She was good the whole time, meaning that she ate good, slept good and wasn't really fussy. She showed us that she wants to explore things more and can sleep through the night. It was weird for us to have her sleeping in the same room and we had to go to sleep right when she did, which was still pretty late b/c we got in late when we got there on Friday and getting home from Silver Dollar City on Saturday night.
The hotel was good except for the fact that we had the room right next to the lobby on the first floor and could hear everyone when they came in for the night. The breakfast was great and everyone who saw Kayla thought she was sooo cute. I had a great time bonding with her even deeper.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Wow! What a fun time Kayla has in this Jump-a-Roo. Take a look!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

First Thanksgiving 2007

I tried not to get this bib dirty to take pictures. She went through about 3 outfits this day b/c of Dad spilling coffee on the chair and her, and some very explosive poop. She had fun the whole day though and it was nice to be home with her.

We had a "Thanksgiving" dinner with Chad's parents Sunday afternoon after the dedication. We had ham then and a "tur-duck-en" on Thanksgiving day. You'll have to ask Chad about it. It was good, but a new experience. Kayla did really good this day. I fed her the carrots and a bootle about 11:30 AM and she was asleep the whole time we ate. Chad invited a couple of friends over and it was the 5 of us (including my Dad) for Thanksgiving dinner at our place. This picture is from the Sunday dinner where I used my fine china. I like to do that each year.
The evening after all the food.
My dad had a lot of fun playing with Kayla. He kept her the next day when we were both at work and it went over well. He got to feed her babyfood and experience all of her moods. They had fun together.

Kayla's Dedication 11-18-07

Us on stage with Kayla at her dedication. She was really good the whole time. We brought her to the nursery afterwards though.

I was so glad that Nan and Papaw got to be there for this special time.

We're proud parents.

Our friends the Vega's dedicated thier precious second daughter, Naomi this day also.

We dedicated Kayla to the church last Sunday. It was a very joyous occasion with Chad's parents there and many of our Rogers friends to watch. It all seemed pretty fast. They called us on stage and read her bible verse that we picked for her. (Numbers 6 24:26) We found out that her name means "enchanted". We always new she was our little fairy tale princess. Anyway, Scott Page prayed over us and they gave us a prayer book for our baby. We tried to video tape it but for some reason it didn't come out. We will always have this special time in our memories though.
Chad's uncle gave Kayla a great dedication gift. It was a Precious Moments bible with her full name inscribed on the front. She can have this her whole childhood and be her first bible. Thank you Terry and Faye it is very sweet.


YEAH!! We're now on babyfood!! As you can see its a really big adventure everytime. She's getting the hang of eating it now, but at first she would spit it out just like she did the cereal. Now, she acts unsure at first then she recognizes it and is all about opening her mouth really wide and actually grabbing the spoon herself. It gets all over the bib, her mouth, shirt and the Boppy seat. It seems to clean up easily though and not stain the clothing.
We've started with Sweet potatoes and ventured out to Carrots on Thanksgiving Day. I usually feed it to her first at her lunch and evening feeding. She'll usually take just about 1/2 of the babyfood carton then have a 6 oz bottle.
She eats every 3 hours nowdays and still even wakes up for a night feeding. I try to break her of that, but I do like my sleep and usually give in, b/c I don't want to be up all night trying to soothe her. I figure she'll grow out of it. (maybe, hopefully). Meanwhile, we're having fun with the new adventure of babyfood. She seems to take to it well.

New Jumperoo

Nan and Pawpaw got Kayla her new favorite toy. Its the Rainforest Jumperoo!!! This is the best invention ever!! It is such a great parent relief when she wants to play and needs to burn off a lot of energy and you are exhausted or need to do housework. It is very interactive and educational for her and lets her bounce till her heart's content. She loves it!! That is until she gets tired and fussy and wants to be held or do something else. She always keeps us on our toes!! We love her for it. We love to see her smile and laugh at anything.

5 months old!!

This was actually an evening of one of the days I had to stay home with Kayla b/c she was sick. We brought her to the doctor and he just thought it was a virus. Apparently it was b/c when Chad's parents came in the next weekend, they got sick too. Sorry about that. I think we're all over it now. It was a bad one that I hope won't happen again.

We were trying to get a smiling picture on her 5 month birthday and this is as good as we got. She was getting over being sick and didn't feel 100%

Kayla Gail is 5 months old now. She's really growing up fast and getting a personality. By the last doctor's visit she's about 14 1/2 pounds. Her favorite thing to do now days is blow rasberries "bubbles" and she's getting really good at it. She gets on a roll and doesn't stop. She's finally well now and in good spirits everyday. She is still a pretty mellow baby and is pretty content most of the time, but she does like to squeal in a very high pitch when she gets excited. I like to give her a lot of kisses and she's getting to where she will try to chew on my nose if I get it close enough. She's teething right now and drooling like crazy. We probably go through about 4 bibs a day. She loves to stand up on your lap &/or bounce. She is almost sitting up and not really rolling over as much. She loves to play with her toys when she's in the mood. In the morning we'll just lay her down on her back and she's content with that. She loves to be held and smiled at, and she'll return the favor a lot. She's getting to know us and her grandparents pretty well. Chad keeps saying "da-da" to her hopeing that they might be her first words. I don't really care what they are. I just want to hear them.