Sunday, December 30, 2007

6 months old!!

It snowed on Kayla's 6 month birthday!! I had to work that day(Saturday), but when I got home we got to go outside and take picutres in the snow. She didn't know what to think. I guess she just thought it was cold.

She smiles really easily now to just about anyone and everyone. She does act like she's scared sometimes, which is a new thing and loves her pacifier. I don't want to give her the pacifier everytime she fusses, but sometimes it does the job and is the only thing that will soothe her. Oh well, my mom said that I almost went to Kindergarden with my pacifier. I guess she'll grow out of it one day.
She is very interactive nowdays and sits up really well. She can't get to sitting by herself, but sits up for a long time and can play with toys. She's also holding her bottle really well when we direct her to do so. I'm trying to introduce a sippy cup with some juice since she's holding her bottle. I'm also working on getting her to crawl. Its a slow going thing right now since everytime we put her on the floor we put her in sitting instead of on her tummy so that she can try crawling. I'll try to start doing that more, but its hard when she gets frustrated everytime she tries and fusses alot. She's not one to try new things when she's not ready.
She's sleeping all through the night now days. About 10 hours to be exact. She'll get tired and fussy around 7:30 or 8:00 and she'll get a bath followed by a bottle and she's asleep soon after. We took the wedge out of her bed and that seemed to make all the difference. She rolls around all in the bed. We never know what position she'll be when she wakes up. We usually have to wake her up at about 6:00 in the mornings before work. She's been having a little drainage lately, so she sometimes wakes up b/c she's all stopped up and can't breathe. Poor little thing.

She talks alot lately!! Her favorite is baa,baa,baa. She'll mostly say it in the mornings and when getting her diaper changed we'll have deep conversations. She loves to talk back and forth to us and hear new sounds. I try to read to her in the evenings and she'll listen intently and sometimes it will put her to sleep.

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