Monday, August 27, 2007

Cousins playing

Tristin's a ham, while Kayla loves to look off at a blank wall!!
Finally got both of them to look at the camera. (sort of)
I had to share this adorable picutre of Tristin with you. She gives a big smile almost on comand now days. She's so cute and always has a mischevious look on her face. I wish I could see her more.
Tristin says, "Kayla, I'll show you how to hold your head up, its easy."

Tistin can over to spend the night on Friday night at Grandma's house. That morning, I got to catch some pictures of the 2 babies playing together. Tristin was very interested in Kayla and Kayla didn't know what was going on. As you can see, Tristin was rolling over towards her and grabbing her face and attempting to kiss her all on her own doing. Kayla isn't able to move around as much so she just layed there and took it all in. It was the cutest thing ever!! I could watch that for hours. I can't wait till Kayla is able to interact with her more.

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