In her Sunday outfit having a good ole' time!! Like her new bow?
Kayla loves to look at her hands nowdays.
This past week was the first week that I went back to work and Kayla went to daycare (Caterpillar Clubhouse). A lot of prayers and worry has went into this decision, but in the end, it's the best for our family. Going back this week has confirmed for me that I love my work and its been nice getting away from the house this week. The first part of the week was rocky with tears and worry when we put Kayla in the daycare. She started out sleeping most of the day and waking up a lot at night. She really got off of her normal schedule this week. I realized that it was a "growth spurt" week too, so that explains a lot. We've all adjusted well. Our house is a lot more busy now days.
Kayla is sleeping through the night off and on nowdays. She's eating more at a time and I'm pretty much drying up my milk supply. We're just getting into a different stage of babyhood. It's going well for all of us.
Love her new bow! It was so fun to see her "in action" at Apples on Wednesday - she really is so cute! You have a precious baby, and I'm glad things are going well now that you've gone back to work. Each new phase always takes adjusting to, which can be hard, but things always even out. You're doing great!
Love, Joy
Kayla has changed so much!!! Can't wait to see her again! When are you coming back to LA?
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