Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vacation to Florida

We had a great time visiting our family in St. Augustine, FL this summer at the first of Aug. We weren't sure how Kayla would do on the airplane, but we were prepared with snacks galore, toys, blanket, sippy cups, and books. She was really good and slept most of the time on all 4 flights coming and going. The people on the plane didn't complain and were even playing with her sometimes.
All of the kids loved to play with Kayla. She warmed up to them pretty quickly and had fun with them. I'm so glad that she got to know them better. (Nicholas 4, Hannah 6, Brittany 12)

She loves her "Aunt" cousin Stephanie. She was so gracious to us and opened up her home. We had a blast playing Rook and hanging out with the family.
For 2 days we went down to the old town St. Augustine and walked along the old streets for some cool shopping. This is the oldest city in the US, settled by Spain, so it had a lot of Spanish traits.

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