Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tristin in town

Last weekend my sister Brittany, Chris and Tristin came to visit for their vacation. We had a lot of fun shopping and watching the babies play together.

The girls got to go to a friend's birthday party. It was a backyard pool party. I was very hopeful by putting on Kayla's swimsuit and thinking she would get in the kiddie pool. She stepped one foot in and hated the water. She spent the whole time walking around in the grass and exploring all the toys. She really liked the car.
Tristin looking cute in her swimsuit.
She loved her first popsicle. Mommy was wiping her mouth every second b/c it was so messy.
Tristin and Kayla having fun in the wagon. They took a rid around the neighborhood.
Kayla didn't know what to think of her new hairdo.

Cutie girls on the slide at the park.

She has learned how to climb stairs now, but hasn't mastered going down.

She loves to talk on our phones nowdays and will put it up to her ear and say "hey-doo"
"I love to ride the pony, clippity clop, clippity clop"

Kayla loves her table and chairs and will look at books at it. Not for very long though. Her attention span is about 4 seconds nowdays.

Jacksonville Zoo

Kayla and I got to feed a giraffe. I thought this was the coolest ever. The giraffe had very long tounges that almost wrapped around my hand when trying to eat the lettuce.

Kayla's kicking back and enjoying a drink from a straw. I think she also was spitting it all over herself. It was a really hot day and we tried everything to block her from the sun.

Even bought her a cute green cap to wear.

Crazy Stephanie getting in our family picture. This is one of the favorite of the whole trip.

Beautiful Sunrise

When we woke up the first morning on the beach, it was bout 6:00 and I remembered that it was about the time that the sun rose in the East. I was so excited to go out and take pictures of God's beautiful picture in the sky. It was a cloudy morning, so it made it even prettier to see the light reflecting off the clouds. It was truely the best morning of my life to see that and take pictures and be there with my family. We all ate breakfast togther afterwards and it was a great time.

This is our favorite one that we have on our mantel.

Sorry, I don't have them in cronilogical order for you. I wish I did. I haven't figured out how to do that on here yet.

Before the sun came up!

At the beach

"Look mom, I found some sand for you!!"

Kayla loved to walk and explore on the beach. We had to take shifts on who would watch her and keep up with her on the beach. She just walked all over and felt of the sand and then sat where the tide came in and felt the water rush onto her feet. Once, she got wiped out and didn't know what to think. I was freaking out, thinking that she would drown. Stephanie assured me that she was alright.

Exploring the sand.

We wanted to take some beach pictures with the 3 of us, so we did it on the last morning. Kayla was really tired when we went to take them. Its hard doing things on vacation and working around a babies schedule. They turned out pretty good though. If you want to see others then just ask. I can post other ones if you want one.

Kayla loves to take out things from a container and put them back in. On the trip she loved to explore my purse when we were doing other things I would let her b/c it kept her busy. Here she is going through my wallet trying to find the money already.