Monday, January 5, 2009

18month checkup

Kayla got her 18month check-up today and it was very good results. The doctor was really impressed by how "smart" she is. She is saying about 25-30 words now. If you ask her a yes or no question she can let you know how she feels. She'll try to imitate just about any word that we ask her to. He was also impressed with how many animal sounds she knew and how she likes to look at books. Here are some more stats.
Weight-50th percentile (24.5in)
Height-75th percentile (32 in)
Head- 90th percentile. (A large head runs in Chad's family)
Sleep- about 10-11 hours a night b/c we have to wake her up in the morning.
naps about 1 1/2- 2 hours once a day around 11:30 AM
She'll eat just about anything you put in front of her. She likes to eat the whole piece and bite it herself instead of cutting up her food into bites for her.
She's a very independent spirit (just like her mom), so I try to let her experience things and figure them out for her own. She is very silly and funny nowdays and very playful. She cracks me up on a daily basis with the silly things that she says and does.
We're attempting to potty train b/c she will say "diaper" when she messed her diaper, so we saw that as a chance to start letting her know to go to the potty. She's only gone once in about a month, but we still have hope. We know it might be a long road ahead. The new daycare will encourage it too.
We're also in the process of changing her room around to allow for all the toys and to transition to a "big girl" room. We will probably take out the changing table, rocking chair and one of the chest of drawers to allow for more room for bigger toys and a toy bin. Its sort of sad to give up the baby part of Kayla. We're trying to transition slowly so that there won't be too many tears.

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